Sabeen Mahmud

"You can't let fear control you, you'll never get anything done." - Sabeen Mahmud


On April 24th, 2015, on a day when international headlines spoke of riots in Baltimore, Maryland and shortly before the earthquake in Nepal would eclipse most other headlines, a murder occurred in Karachi, Pakistan that effaced a bright light. 

The death of Sabeen Mahmud has now been recounted in several publications, although stories of her life work leading up to her death were not nearly as ubiquitous as would've been fitting. 

In the aftermath of her death, those, like me, who know only of her, are left to consider a legacy that speaks of bravery, determination, and the "abandonment of a comfort zone" that transcended fear in the face of odds seemingly insurmountable. We can hope that whatever of Sabeen's goals were not achievable in her lifetime may be achievable in her death. The bright light that was her life may be out, but her work will be rekindled.